In the course of this one-hour show, Joaquin showcases the best of his repertoire, his most amazing close-up magic effects (Joaquin’s true specialty). This show uses no scenery, no assistants, no dancers, boxes or any kind of big setup. Just the magician, a table, a big screen and a projector (so that no one misses anything that happens on top of the table) are enough for Joaquin to deliver powerful magic and showcase his dry, quirky humor, always focused on audience interaction. These are the ingredients of a show that never disappoints.
Intimagic is also a tour through some of Magic’s greatest, classic effects, as well as a tribute to Joaquin’s masters. During the show, he adds his touch to a series of routines in which cards, bills, coins, cups and balls, and even borrowed items will seemingly come to life in the hands of a professional, who has turned magic not only into his profession, but his passion as well. Passion that he will surely convey onto those who witness this show.